Thursday, May 21, 2009

AEIS Maths

Date: 21/05/2009

Day: Thursday

Students present: Michael, Henry, William, Susan

Students absent: Noe Noe

Teacher (main and assistants): Lim Young

Subject: Maths

Topic: Real Numbers

Concepts taught: I let them continue with the questions that they left off yesterday, which was from Exercise 3e. Basically, I gave them until the break time to finish it, giving a time frame to work on their assignment so as apply a little pressure on them to focus and do their work.

Example questions gone through: Exercise 3e Q4

Practice questions given: Exercise 3e


General comments of students: I tried something new today. I made the students sit individually, away from each other. Each student will have their own working space and they have no eye contact with each other. This made wonders for me as I was able to control the usually rowdy students much better. They've also became much more focused when doing their work. Susan finished her work first, something that was not possible before that. It really helped a lot.

Improvement points of students: William is still not very focused in his work. He gives up easily when faced with a problem. I am training him to be independent by forcing him to complete the questions by himself. Henry is starting to become disrespectful again but I made it very firm to him today. He knows I am not very happy about it. Susan and Michael are both doing fine.

Homework given (including due date): Nil

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