Monday, April 27, 2009

AEIS, Math, Test 1 feedback

Topic: Factors and Multiples

General Comments

Students have a tendency to make very careless mistakes such as calculation errors. Students have generally understood the presentation methods taught during lesson with the exception of William though there are still minor mistakes in their presentation. More practice might be needed in these questions.

Specific Comments

Student: Michael

Test Score: 25/40

Areas for improvement:

Majority of michael's mistakes are to do with presentation errors. Though he was able to present his workings generally in the right way, he has made quite a number of minor presentation errors here and there.

Method for improvement:

Do more practices on similar questions so that the presentation errors can be reduced.

Student: Henry

Test Score: 33/40

Areas for improvement:

Henry is more careful during his presentation and as a result his mistakes are generally not due to carelessness. However, Henry is slightly weaker in his application of concepts as seen from him not being able to answer a new question that required a concept that he has learnt.

Method for improvement:

Working on different questions that require concepts learnt.

Student: William

Test Score: 10/40

Areas for improvement:

William does not fully understand the concepts of HCF and LCM taught during lesson. He is also weak and careless in his calculations.

Method for improvement:

More word problems should be given to build his understanding of the concepts and to train him to be more careful in his work.

Student: Susan

Test Score: 26/40

Areas for improvement:

Susan has showed that she understood the concepts taught during lesson though she tends to make very careless mistakes. She is also slightly weaker in simplifying maths expressions.

Method for improvement:

It will be helpful to provide practices that requires her to simplify mathamatical expressons such as cube root of a fraction.

Student: Noe Noe

Test Score: 29/40

Areas for improvement:

Noe Noe has shown understanding for the concepts taught. The majority of her mistakes are due to carelessness.

Method for improvement:

Enforce checking multiple times after practices or tests. Spot-the-mistakes practices can be given to train her to be more meticulous in her work.

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